The Heliopolis/Baalbek Megaliths Mystery.

In Baalbek, Lebanon, lies the ruins of the famous temple complex called Heliopolis, or "City of the Sun". One of the most awe-inspiring features of Heliopolis are the incredible megalithic foundations of the Temple of Zeus/Jupiter/Baal. The temple was built on a platform of stones that are among the largest building blocks in the world. Twenty-seven huge limestone blocks can be seen at its base. The lowest layer of this foundation consists of relatively small blocks. A second layer is formed from blocks of 3.9 m in height, 3-3.5 m deep and an average 9.5 m long, and a third layer consists of three enormous blocks of 4.35 m height, 3.7-4.7 m depth and an average length of 19.6 m. These three blocks are called the Trilithon (three stones in Greek) and weigh about 1000 tonnes each. How they were cut so finely and moved into place has defied explanation.
The source of these enormous blocks is known. It is a quarry about a kilometre south of the temple complex, where two blocks, of similar size to the Trilithon blocks, are still to be found. One is called, Hajjar al-Hibla, (21m x 4.5m x 4.2m and weighing 992 tonnes) and has long been known. The other, called simply, The Western Megalith, (20m x 4.8m x 4.6m and weighing 1104 tonnes) was discovered in 1977, about 150m west of Hajjar al-Hibla. A third block (19.6m × 6.1m × 5.6m and weighing 1674 tonnes), larger than these two, was discovered in 2014 lying alongside the stone Hajjar al-Hibla. Since the height of the third block has not yet been determined, it is possible that when completed it would have provided two Hajjar al-Hibla sized blocks, one above the other.
A number of attempts to explain how the ancients cut and moved these blocks have been made.
The traditional explanation that the blocks are the work of the Romans is clearly wrong. If the Romans had been able to quarry and move the Trilithon blocks, then they would have also finished and moved the blocks in the quarry.
The "explanation" of Jean-Pierre Adam in his book "Roman Building: Materials and Techniques," is also clearly wrong. He claims that "One of the stones left in the quarry shows how they were placed on rollers gradually as the lower face became exposed." He carefully avoids stating what material these rollers were made from. The weight of the massive stones would crush any number of wooden rollers placed beneath them. Stone rollers are much too brittle. So, I guess Jean-Pierre assumed the ancients/Romans had steel rollers, which they did not.
It seems to me that the Greeks/Romans came upon a half-built temple complex at Baalbek and finished it according to their own design. It is likely that they cannibalized many older, larger, stones to furnish material for their own works. The Western Megalith in the quarry has been thus treated, but we know not, by whom.
Here are some photos of these huge blocks from Baalbek, Lebanon.

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