2017, 2019 and 2020 were "hottest year on record" events
that were covered up by various people in Academia.
When, at the beginning of a year, one adds the latest average global (land-ocean) surface temperature to the list of average global temperatures for previous years, one discovers something very interesting. It turns out that if the added year is a "hottest year on record" event, then (in three cases) adjustments have been made to reduce that years status.
For example, when the average global temperature made 2019 a "hottest year on record", the 2016 average was (fraudulently) increased till it was greater than the 2019 average, making 2019 only the "second hottest year on record". And when the average global temperature also made 2020 a "hottest year on record", the 2016 average was again increased till it was greater than the 2020 average, making 2020 only the "second hottest year on record". In this way, the two years, 2019 and 2020, were denied their proper status of "the hottest year on record." Such manipulations were made to hide the scale of the climate emergency that we face.
Because of the catastrophic consequences of not being informed about such important things, I suggest that those who hide such are severely punished.
In more detail one has:
In 2017 the real Global Average Surface Temperature was found to be 14.84 degrees centigrade. This made 2017 a "hottest year on record" event. Hence, the 2017 average global temperature was (fraudulently) reduced to 14.81 degrees and 2017 became only the "second hottest year on record". This deception bcame apparent in 2022 (possibly earlier) when the 2017 average suddenly increased to 14.84 and remained at this number in following years.
This was done to stop 2017 from being a hottest year on record.
-------------------------- --------------------------
Hottest years list to 2017 FAKED hottest years list to 2017
-------------------------- --------------------------
1 2017 14.8400 <= add 2017 average 2 2016 14.8394
2 2016 14.8394 1 2017 14.8100 <= 2017 average decreased
3 2015 14.8014 3 2015 14.8014 to prevent 2017 being
4 2014 14.6413 4 2014 14.6413 a hottest year on record.
5 2010 14.6011 5 2010 14.6011
6 2013 14.5679 6 2013 14.5679
-------------------------- --------------------------
In 2019 the 2016 Global Average Temperature (Land + Ocean) was changed from 14.85 to 14.895
This was done to stop 2019 from being a hottest year on record.
-------------------------- --------------------------
Hottest years list to 2019 FAKED hottest years list to 2019
-------------------------- -------------------------
1 2019 14.8500 <= add 2019 average 2 2016 14.8950 <= 2016 average increased
2 2016 14.8394 1 2019 14.8500 to prevent 2019 being
3 2017 14.8100 4 2015 14.8292 a hottest year on record.
4 2015 14.8014 3 2017 14.8100
5 2018 14.7292 5 2018 14.7292
6 2014 14.6413 6 2014 14.6413
------------------------- -------------------------
In 2020 the 2016 Global Average Temperature (Land + Ocean) was changed from 14.895 to 14.93.
This was done to stop 2020 from being a hottest year on record.
------------------------- -------------------------
Hottest years list to 2020 FAKED hottest years list to 2020
-------------------------- -------------------------
1 2020 14.9100 <= add 2020 average 2 2016 14.9300 <= 2016 average increased
2 2016 14.8950 1 2020 14.9100 again to prevent 2020
3 2019 14.8500 3 2019 14.8500 being another hottest
4 2015 14.8292 4 2015 14.8292 year on record.
5 2017 14.8100 5 2017 14.8100
6 2018 14.7292 6 2018 14.7292
-------------------------- --------------------------
If these three manipulations of the data are removed, then one has:
In the last TEN years SIX have been hottest years on record.
Year, Temperature, Hottest-on-record?
2024 15.19 another hottest year on record (1850-2024)
2023 15.09 another hottest year on record (1850-2023)
2022 14.80
2021 14.77
2020 14.91 another hottest year on record (1850-2020)
2019 14.85 another hottest year on record (1850-2019)
2018 14.77
2017 14.84 another hottest year on record (1850-2017)
2016 14.84 another hottest year on record (1850-2016)
2015 14.81 another hottest year on record (1850-2015)
If the above does not worry you; it should.
Using the doctored-official data one had (until Jan. 2025):
Year, Temperature, Hottest-on-record?
2023 15.09 another hottest year on record (1850-2023)
2022 14.80
2021 14.77
2020 14.91
2019 14.85
2018 14.77
2017 14.84
2016 14.93 another hottest year on record (1850-2016)
2015 14.81 another hottest year on record (1850-2015)
2014 14.65 another hottest year on record (1850-2014)
Of course, the doctored-official data looks much less concerning.
The data I have used has been collected (over the years) from here, i.e., from
The anomalies given measure the difference of a temperature from one of the 20th century averages (1901-2000) which are;
The 20th century average land-ocean surface temperature is 13.9 °C
The 20th century average land surface temperature is 8.5 °C
The 20th century average ocean surface temperature is 16.1 °C
If you wish to convert the anomalies to temperatures you only need add on one of the above numbers, i.e., one of 13.9, 8.5 or 16.1. These numbers are from here. See the row labeled Annual (at bottom).
One needs to say a few words about the global (land-ocean) averages.
Roughly, the land average is calculated by assigning a temperature to each square meter of the land and then calculating the average of all of these temperatures. The ocean average is calculated by assigning a temperature to each square meter of the ocean and then calculating the average of these temperatures.
You would think one would use exactly the same methodology to find the global (land-ocean) average, i.e., you would assign a temperature to each square meter of the globe and then calculate the average of these temperatures, but for some reason this is not done. For example, in 2024 the land average was 17.07 and the ocean average was 10.48. Using the method I just described the 2024 global average would be:
10.48 x 0.71 + 17.07 x 0.29 = 12.39 degrees,
where 0.71 is the proportion of ocean, and 0.29 is the proportion of land. However, NOAA states that the 2024 global average is 15.19 degrees. I could not find the formula NOAA uses in combining the land and ocean averages.
Some claim that combining the land and ocean averages in the manner I have described results in a statistic with no physical meaning, and that scaling factors should be used to provide a number that better reflects some physical quantity, which may be what NOAA has done. However, the combining of land and ocean averages in the manner described above does, in fact, reflect a perfectly reasonable physical quantity, and should, I guess, be the one used.
By hiding (or not making easily available) the formula NOAA uses, NOAA has created a black box where warming can be hidden. For example, the difference between the coldest and hottest record, according to NOAA, is 15.19-13.47=1.72 degrees, whereas according to the method described above it is 12.39-10.00=2.39, so we see that some 0.67 degrees of warming has been hidden.
The 9 hottest years on record are the last 9 years. (To be updated.)
The 9 hottest years since records began in 1850 till the present 2022 are the last 9 years,
i.e., the years 2014 to 2022 are the 9 hottest years on record.
. Land & Ocean Land Ocean
Year Anomaly Year Anomaly Year Anomaly
1 2016 1.03 1 2020 1.64 1 2016 0.75
2 2020 1.01 2 2016 1.63 2 2019 0.74
3 2019 0.97 3 2017 1.50 3 2020 0.72
4 2017 0.94 4 2019 1.49 4 2015 0.72
5 2015 0.91 5 2022 1.42 5 2017 0.69
6 2022 0.90 6 2021 1.35 6 2022 0.67
7 2018 0.86 7 2015 1.34 7 2018 0.65
8 2021 0.85 8 2018 1.30 8 2021 0.63
9 2014 0.76 9 2007 1.21 9 2014 0.61
Land & Ocean Land Ocean
Year Temp. Year Temp. Year Temp.
1 2016 14.93 1 2020 10.14 1 2016 14.65
2 2020 14.91 2 2016 10.13 2 2019 14.64
3 2019 14.87 3 2017 10.00 3 2020 14.62
4 2017 14.84 4 2019 9.99 4 2015 14.62
5 2015 14.81 5 2022 9.92 5 2017 14.59
6 2022 14.80 6 2021 9.85 6 2022 14.57
7 2018 14.76 7 2015 9.84 7 2018 14.55
8 2021 14.75 8 2018 9.80 8 2021 14.53
9 2014 14.66 9 2007 9.71 9 2014 14.51
When the 2023 temperatures are finalised, it is already clear that the 10 hottest years (on record) will be the years 2014 to 2023. Whether 2023 becomes a "hottest year ever" event will depend on how hot the northern summer is, and on how willing those presenting the data are to fake the data. And, remember the 2016 numbers are suspect.
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