The Conspiracy to hide Global Warming.

The Conspiracy to hide Global Warming.

Postby Vostok » Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:36 pm

Evil in the Land of Academia.
2019 and 2020 were "hottest year on record" events
covered up by certain people in Academia.

When one adds the latest average land-ocean temperature recorded at the end of a year, to the list of average land-ocean temperatures for previous years, one finds something very interesting. It turns out that if a year was found to be a "hottest year ever", then the 2016 average land-ocean temperature was (fraudulently) increased till it was greater than the new "hottest year ever". In this way, the two years, 2019 and 2020, were denied their proper title of "the hottest year ever (on record)."

Because of the catastrophic consequences of not being informed about such important things, I suggest that those who hide such are tried, and if found guilty, executed.

Here are (short) hottest years lists for 2016 to 2022. These are absolute temperatures (not anomalies). The years where the 2016 temperature has been increased to prevent a "hottest year on record" event, are 2019 and 2020. In 2019 the 2016 average temperature was increased from 14.8394 to 14.8950. In 2020 the 2016 average temperature was increased from 14.8950 to 14.9300.

Hottest years list to 2016
1 2016 14.8394
2 2015 14.8014
3 2014 14.6413
4 2010 14.6011
5 2013 14.5679
6 2005 14.5573
Hottest years list to 2017
1 2016 14.8394
2 2017 14.8100 <= add 2017 record
3 2015 14.8014
4 2014 14.6413
5 2010 14.6011
6 2013 14.5679
Hottest years list to 2018
1 2016 14.8394
2 2017 14.8100
3 2015 14.8014
4 2018 14.7292 <= add 2018 record
5 2014 14.6413
6 2010 14.6011
-------------------------- --------------------------
Hottest years list to 2019 FAKE hottest years list to 2019
-------------------------- -------------------------
1 2019 14.8500 <= add 2019 record 2 2016 14.8950 <= 2016 record increased
2 2016 14.8394 1 2019 14.8500 to prevent 2019 being
3 2017 14.8100 4 2015 14.8292 a hottest year ever.
4 2015 14.8014 3 2017 14.8100
5 2018 14.7292 5 2018 14.7292
6 2014 14.6413 6 2014 14.6413
------------------------- -------------------------
Hottest years list to 2020 FAKE hottest years list to 2020
-------------------------- -------------------------
1 2020 14.9100 <= add 2020 record 2 2016 14.9300 <= 2016 record increased
2 2016 14.8950 1 2020 14.9100 again to prevent 2020
3 2019 14.8500 3 2019 14.8500 being another hottest
4 2015 14.8292 4 2015 14.8292 year ever.
5 2017 14.8100 5 2017 14.8100
6 2018 14.7292 6 2018 14.7292
-------------------------- --------------------------
Hottest years list to 2021
1 2016 14.9300
2 2020 14.9100
3 2019 14.8500
4 2015 14.8292
5 2017 14.8100
6 2018 14.7600
7 2021 14.7500 <= add 2021 record
Hottest years list to 2022
1 2016 14.9300
2 2020 14.9100
3 2019 14.8700
4 2017 14.8400
5 2015 14.8100
6 2022 14.8000 <= add 2022 record
7 2018 14.7600
8 2021 14.7500

The data is from here: ... /anomalies

The anomalies measure the difference of a temperature from one of the 20th century averages (1901-2000) which are;

The 20th century average land-ocean surface temperature is 13.9 °C
The 20th century average land surface temperature is 8.5 °C
The 20th century average ocean surface temperature is 16.1 °C

If you wish to convert the anomalies to temperatures you need to add on one of the above numbers, i.e., 13.9 or 8.5 or 16.1. These numbers are from here.

The 9 hottest years on record are the last 9 years.

The 9 hottest years since records began in 1850 till the present 2022 are the last 9 years,
i.e., the years 2014 to 2022 are the 9 hottest years on record.

.       Land & Ocean          Land               Ocean
Year Anomaly Year Anomaly Year Anomaly

1 2016 1.03 1 2020 1.64 1 2016 0.75
2 2020 1.01 2 2016 1.63 2 2019 0.74
3 2019 0.97 3 2017 1.50 3 2020 0.72
4 2017 0.94 4 2019 1.49 4 2015 0.72
5 2015 0.91 5 2022 1.42 5 2017 0.69
6 2022 0.90 6 2021 1.35 6 2022 0.67
7 2018 0.86 7 2015 1.34 7 2018 0.65
8 2021 0.85 8 2018 1.30 8 2021 0.63
9 2014 0.76 9 2007 1.21 9 2014 0.61

Land & Ocean Land Ocean
Year Temp. Year Temp. Year Temp.

1 2016 14.93 1 2020 10.14 1 2016 14.65
2 2020 14.91 2 2016 10.13 2 2019 14.64
3 2019 14.87 3 2017 10.00 3 2020 14.62
4 2017 14.84 4 2019 9.99 4 2015 14.62
5 2015 14.81 5 2022 9.92 5 2017 14.59
6 2022 14.80 6 2021 9.85 6 2022 14.57
7 2018 14.76 7 2015 9.84 7 2018 14.55
8 2021 14.75 8 2018 9.80 8 2021 14.53
9 2014 14.66 9 2007 9.71 9 2014 14.51

When the 2023 temperatures are finalised, it is already clear that the 10 hottest years (on record) will be the years 2014 to 2023. Whether 2023 becomes a "hottest year ever" event will depend on how hot the northern summer is, and on how willing those presenting the data are to fake the data. And, remember the 2016 numbers are suspect.

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There are no ancient Jewish cities in Israel, but there are lots of ancient Greek cities.
WOW; Presidents Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden are Jews.
The free Operating System Linux running Microsoft Operating Systems on Virtual Computers (a DIY guide).
Proof that the name ADAM is of Greek origin.

Re: The Vostok ice core records & global warming.

Postby preearth » Tue Apr 04, 2017 4:47 am

The Vostok ice core records & global warming.

The Vostok (Antarctica) ice core provides us with much information.

For example, here is the correlation between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and temperature (at Vostok) over the last 420,000 years;


Here we have two graphs, one plotting carbon dioxide concentration versus age, and the other plotting temperature versus age. The temperature is that measured at Vostok (in Antarctica) and is in degrees centigrade. The carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is in parts per million (ppm). The temperature scale is actually measured relative to -56 degrees (-56 degrees being the average temperature at Vostok over the years 1961 to 1990). As has been pointed out to me, it would have been easier just to label the temperature scale -64 -62 -60 -58 -56 -54 -52.

The age of the ice is obtained by counting the annual layers of ice and when the layers are no longer clearly visible, the age is obtained by modeling the flow of the merged ice layers.

The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is measured directly from bubbles of air trapped in the layers of snow.

The temperature can be obtained by using hydrogen isotopes as a proxy. Hydrogen comes in two isotopes 1H and 2H. We will denote the usual hydrogen, 1H, simply by H. Its nucleus consists of one proton. Heavy hydrogen, 2H, will be called Deuterium and denoted D. Its nucleus consists of one proton and one neutron. When ocean water evaporates, heavy water (which is mostly HDO with a very small amount of D2O) evaporates less readily (than normal water H2O) because it is heavier. Therefore, the water vapor in the atmosphere ends up with a smaller percentage of heavy water in it than ocean water. When this water vapor in the atmosphere precipitates as rain and snow, the heavy water in it precipitates out preferentially, but the rain or snow still has measurably less heavy water than ocean water. This difference can be used to estimate the temperature around the time the evaporation/precipitation occurred. [A similar statement can be made concerning the oxygen isotopes, 16O and 18O.]

To emphasize the incredible correlation between the temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, it has been suggested that the two graphs of the image should be over-lapped as follows:


Notice the huge "hockey stick" rise at year 0 (i.e., the present time) on the right of the graphs. Some folk have complained that the "hockey stick" part of the image is hidden. Changing the page's width (make it wider) should fix this. If not, you can right click on the image, choose "view image" from the menu and the image will appear separately from the page.

These graphs show that if the 420,000 year trend continues, we are in for a massive temperature rise.

Indeed, this rise in temperature is already under way, as is verified by the following data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).


The NOAA data tells us, for example, that:

2016 is the hottest year on record for global temperatures.

This is 0.0380 degrees centigrade hotter than the previous record year which was 2015.

0.0380 is a large increase in just one year.

2015 was the hottest year (at that time) for global temperatures.

This was 0.1601 degrees hotter than the previous record year which was 2014.

0.1601 is an absolutely huge increase in just one year.

At this rate, temperatures would increase by 16 degrees in a century.

2014 was the hottest year (at that time) for global temperatures.

This was 0.0402 degrees hotter than the previous record year which was 2010....

The anomalies measure the difference from the 20th century average (1901-2000).

The 20th century average land+ocean surface temperature is 13.9 °C.
The 20th century average land surface temperature is 8.5 °C.
The 20th century average ocean surface temperature is 16.1 °C.

The data is from: ... malies.php [ ]

For a full listing of the 137 years of temperature data, see: ... 0-2017.txt

The rise in average yearly land temperatures is particularly worrying (from 7.8725 °C in 1884, to 9.9357 °C in 2017).

So, why is the rise in temperatures so worrisome?

For one thing, as temperatures rise good farmland will become desert (e.g., dust-bowl conditions will probably return to the American Midwest).

Another major problem is sea-level rise.

Have a look at or ... limate.pdf

The U.S. Geological Survey people claim that;

The Greenland ice sheet melting will raise sea-level 6.55 meters (21.5 feet),
the West Antarctica ice sheet melting will raise sea-level 8.06 meters (26.4 feet),
the East Antarctica ice sheet melting will raise sea-level 64.8 meters (212.6 feet),
and all other ice melting will raise sea-level 0.91 meters (3 feet).

For a grand total of about 80 meters (263 feet).

So, what does an 80 meter (263 feet) rise in sea-level mean?

Have a look at the following map of the world after an 80 meter rise.


For a larger map see:

And for a really huge map see: ... x10800.png

This map is 21,600 x 10,800 pixels (17MB) and some older browsers may have trouble displaying it.

So, what does an 80 meter (263 feet) rise in sea-level mean?

It means that over one billion people will have to be resettled to higher ground and that much of the most productive agricultural land will be under water. Fortunately, at current rates the Greenland ice sheet will take over a thousand years to melt and the Antarctica ice sheet, much longer. However, the greater the temperature rise the faster the ice sheets will melt, bringing the problem much closer. Remember, the huge ice sheet that recently covered much of North America, almost completely melted in only 15,000 years (today, only the Greenland ice sheet and some other small patches of it, remain). Since then (15,000 years ago), sea-levels have risen about 125 meters (410 feet), only 80 meters to go.

The ice sheets have been continuously melting for thousands of years. What is left of them today, is still melting, and will continue to melt. Human caused global warning will cause this remnant to melt significantly faster. This is a big, big, problem.

This is what Britain and Ireland will look like:

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:52 am

Re: Global Warming, sea-level rise & the Vostok ice core rec

Postby preearth » Wed Aug 09, 2023 12:27 am

Huge detailed maps of the "World after the Melt".

The following links point to detailed images (6886 x 6886 pixels) of the world after the ice-caps have melted.

After the melt. 500m contours. China.
After the melt. 500m contours. Europe.
After the melt. 500m contours. North America.
After the melt. 500m contours. South America.
After the melt. 500m contours. Australia and New Zealand.
After the melt. 500m contours. Africa.
After the melt. 500m contours. North Pole.
After the melt. 500m contours. South Pole.

Here is one of them (100 times smaller):


Here are some after-melt images which compare the new sea-shore to the old:


They are from

If you happen to be from New Zealand then visit:

For a really huge map which shows the areas that will eventually be flooded in red, see: ... x10800.png

Again, this map is 21,600 x 10,800 pixels (17MB) and some older browsers may have trouble displaying it.

Here is a small version of it;


The conspiracy to hide global warming data.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is given tax money to make global temperature data available to the public. However, certain people at NOAA continually sabotage this aspect of NOAA's mandate.

For example, these people have (deliberately) sabotaged the web-page that delivers the temperature data.

The page: ... malies.php

is still there, but the Global Anomalies and Index Data section (where you were once able to download the temperature data) has been moved from the very top of the page, to the bottom, so that fewer people will find it. Then (probably when they discovered that too many people were still finding the information) they just removed the page that the Global Anomalies and Index Data section links to, making the temperature data unavailable.

Look for yourself:

Click on the above link; scroll down to the The Global Anomalies and Index Data section and click the download button and see what happens. Well, you get the message:

"Not Found. The requested URL /monitoring-references/faq/anomalies-download was not found on this server."

I guess that the 2017 data must be truly horrible if they have to hide it away.

You may think this is some accident but it isn't.

Previous to the current web-page NOAA had another web-page (and an ftp site) that allowed for the downloading of the temperature files (data). However, at some point, the relevant files had the latest data removed from them (by removing the last few lines of each file) and then the files were no longer updated. After a number of years, someone who cared, noticed, and told the saboteurs at NOAA that they had to make the files (data) available again, and they did (for a while).

This sort of sabotage is not at all unusual for sites that are meant to distribute information concerning global warming.

Another example of sabotage:

To obtain data, for example, on the loss of ice from the Greenland ice sheet, you are required to provide certain information (name, address, affiliation, e-mail address, etc) before you can access the data. Then, of course, they don't allow you to access the data anyway. A particular example of this scam is:

Click on the link. You will see that they state that "FTP Data Distribution is no longer available for this data set. The NASA, NSIDC, DAAC, now distributes data through HTTPS, which requires users to log in with an Earthdata Login username and password. Data will continue to be available free of charge."

Of course, to distribute data through HTTPS, does not, in itself, require a Login, and never has.

Its just another way to prevent access to the data.

July 2017 had the hottest average land temperatures on record.

The new July 2017 record was +1.20 degrees centigrade above the 20th century average (of the July data). The previous record average land temperature for July was just last year. It was +1.10 degrees above the 20th century average.

Did the press bother to tell you about this? No!

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WOW; Presidents Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden are Jews.
Is it too late to save Florida from Drowning? What will your beachfront property be worth in 50 years?
The free Operating System Linux running Microsoft Operating Systems on Virtual Computers (a DIY guide).
Proof that the name ADAM is of Greek origin.
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