The Conspiracy to hide Global Warming.
Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:36 pm
Evil in the Land of Academia.
2019 and 2020 were "hottest year on record" events
covered up by certain people in Academia.
When one adds the latest average land-ocean temperature recorded at the end of a year, to the list of average land-ocean temperatures for previous years, one finds something very interesting. It turns out that if a year was found to be a "hottest year ever", then the 2016 average land-ocean temperature was (fraudulently) increased till it was greater than the new "hottest year ever". In this way, the two years, 2019 and 2020, were denied their proper title of "the hottest year ever (on record)."
Because of the catastrophic consequences of not being informed about such important things, I suggest that those who hide such are tried, and if found guilty, executed.
Here are (short) hottest years lists for 2016 to 2022. These are absolute temperatures (not anomalies). The years where the 2016 temperature has been increased to prevent a "hottest year on record" event, are 2019 and 2020. In 2019 the 2016 average temperature was increased from 14.8394 to 14.8950. In 2020 the 2016 average temperature was increased from 14.8950 to 14.9300.
The data is from here: ... /anomalies
The anomalies measure the difference of a temperature from one of the 20th century averages (1901-2000) which are;
The 20th century average land-ocean surface temperature is 13.9 °C
The 20th century average land surface temperature is 8.5 °C
The 20th century average ocean surface temperature is 16.1 °C
If you wish to convert the anomalies to temperatures you need to add on one of the above numbers, i.e., 13.9 or 8.5 or 16.1. These numbers are from here.
The 9 hottest years on record are the last 9 years.
The 9 hottest years since records began in 1850 till the present 2022 are the last 9 years,
i.e., the years 2014 to 2022 are the 9 hottest years on record.
When the 2023 temperatures are finalised, it is already clear that the 10 hottest years (on record) will be the years 2014 to 2023. Whether 2023 becomes a "hottest year ever" event will depend on how hot the northern summer is, and on how willing those presenting the data are to fake the data. And, remember the 2016 numbers are suspect.
Other popular topics are:
The Covid-19 Scam & Vaccines.
Proof that Adolf Hitler was a double agent.
A few books on Religion and Mythology (Free Downloads).
A large collection of photos of Jewish political leaders wearing skullcaps, e.g., Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, etc.
There are no ancient Jewish cities in Israel, but there are lots of ancient Greek cities.
WOW; Presidents Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden are Jews.
The free Operating System Linux running Microsoft Operating Systems on Virtual Computers (a DIY guide).
Proof that the name ADAM is of Greek origin.
2019 and 2020 were "hottest year on record" events
covered up by certain people in Academia.
When one adds the latest average land-ocean temperature recorded at the end of a year, to the list of average land-ocean temperatures for previous years, one finds something very interesting. It turns out that if a year was found to be a "hottest year ever", then the 2016 average land-ocean temperature was (fraudulently) increased till it was greater than the new "hottest year ever". In this way, the two years, 2019 and 2020, were denied their proper title of "the hottest year ever (on record)."
Because of the catastrophic consequences of not being informed about such important things, I suggest that those who hide such are tried, and if found guilty, executed.
Here are (short) hottest years lists for 2016 to 2022. These are absolute temperatures (not anomalies). The years where the 2016 temperature has been increased to prevent a "hottest year on record" event, are 2019 and 2020. In 2019 the 2016 average temperature was increased from 14.8394 to 14.8950. In 2020 the 2016 average temperature was increased from 14.8950 to 14.9300.
Hottest years list to 2016
1 2016 14.8394
2 2015 14.8014
3 2014 14.6413
4 2010 14.6011
5 2013 14.5679
6 2005 14.5573
Hottest years list to 2017
1 2016 14.8394
2 2017 14.8100 <= add 2017 record
3 2015 14.8014
4 2014 14.6413
5 2010 14.6011
6 2013 14.5679
Hottest years list to 2018
1 2016 14.8394
2 2017 14.8100
3 2015 14.8014
4 2018 14.7292 <= add 2018 record
5 2014 14.6413
6 2010 14.6011
-------------------------- --------------------------
Hottest years list to 2019 FAKE hottest years list to 2019
-------------------------- -------------------------
1 2019 14.8500 <= add 2019 record 2 2016 14.8950 <= 2016 record increased
2 2016 14.8394 1 2019 14.8500 to prevent 2019 being
3 2017 14.8100 4 2015 14.8292 a hottest year ever.
4 2015 14.8014 3 2017 14.8100
5 2018 14.7292 5 2018 14.7292
6 2014 14.6413 6 2014 14.6413
------------------------- -------------------------
Hottest years list to 2020 FAKE hottest years list to 2020
-------------------------- -------------------------
1 2020 14.9100 <= add 2020 record 2 2016 14.9300 <= 2016 record increased
2 2016 14.8950 1 2020 14.9100 again to prevent 2020
3 2019 14.8500 3 2019 14.8500 being another hottest
4 2015 14.8292 4 2015 14.8292 year ever.
5 2017 14.8100 5 2017 14.8100
6 2018 14.7292 6 2018 14.7292
-------------------------- --------------------------
Hottest years list to 2021
1 2016 14.9300
2 2020 14.9100
3 2019 14.8500
4 2015 14.8292
5 2017 14.8100
6 2018 14.7600
7 2021 14.7500 <= add 2021 record
Hottest years list to 2022
1 2016 14.9300
2 2020 14.9100
3 2019 14.8700
4 2017 14.8400
5 2015 14.8100
6 2022 14.8000 <= add 2022 record
7 2018 14.7600
8 2021 14.7500
The data is from here: ... /anomalies
The anomalies measure the difference of a temperature from one of the 20th century averages (1901-2000) which are;
The 20th century average land-ocean surface temperature is 13.9 °C
The 20th century average land surface temperature is 8.5 °C
The 20th century average ocean surface temperature is 16.1 °C
If you wish to convert the anomalies to temperatures you need to add on one of the above numbers, i.e., 13.9 or 8.5 or 16.1. These numbers are from here.
The 9 hottest years on record are the last 9 years.
The 9 hottest years since records began in 1850 till the present 2022 are the last 9 years,
i.e., the years 2014 to 2022 are the 9 hottest years on record.
. Land & Ocean Land Ocean
Year Anomaly Year Anomaly Year Anomaly
1 2016 1.03 1 2020 1.64 1 2016 0.75
2 2020 1.01 2 2016 1.63 2 2019 0.74
3 2019 0.97 3 2017 1.50 3 2020 0.72
4 2017 0.94 4 2019 1.49 4 2015 0.72
5 2015 0.91 5 2022 1.42 5 2017 0.69
6 2022 0.90 6 2021 1.35 6 2022 0.67
7 2018 0.86 7 2015 1.34 7 2018 0.65
8 2021 0.85 8 2018 1.30 8 2021 0.63
9 2014 0.76 9 2007 1.21 9 2014 0.61
Land & Ocean Land Ocean
Year Temp. Year Temp. Year Temp.
1 2016 14.93 1 2020 10.14 1 2016 14.65
2 2020 14.91 2 2016 10.13 2 2019 14.64
3 2019 14.87 3 2017 10.00 3 2020 14.62
4 2017 14.84 4 2019 9.99 4 2015 14.62
5 2015 14.81 5 2022 9.92 5 2017 14.59
6 2022 14.80 6 2021 9.85 6 2022 14.57
7 2018 14.76 7 2015 9.84 7 2018 14.55
8 2021 14.75 8 2018 9.80 8 2021 14.53
9 2014 14.66 9 2007 9.71 9 2014 14.51
When the 2023 temperatures are finalised, it is already clear that the 10 hottest years (on record) will be the years 2014 to 2023. Whether 2023 becomes a "hottest year ever" event will depend on how hot the northern summer is, and on how willing those presenting the data are to fake the data. And, remember the 2016 numbers are suspect.
Other popular topics are:
The Covid-19 Scam & Vaccines.
Proof that Adolf Hitler was a double agent.
A few books on Religion and Mythology (Free Downloads).
A large collection of photos of Jewish political leaders wearing skullcaps, e.g., Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, etc.
There are no ancient Jewish cities in Israel, but there are lots of ancient Greek cities.
WOW; Presidents Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden are Jews.
The free Operating System Linux running Microsoft Operating Systems on Virtual Computers (a DIY guide).
Proof that the name ADAM is of Greek origin.