Michelle Obama's cousin is a Rabbi.Apparently, Michelle Obama (Barack Obama's wife) has a cousin who is a Rabbi.
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 68186.htmlHis name is Capers C. Funnye. He is the chief rabbi of the Beth Shalom B’nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation in Chicago, one of the largest black synagogues in America.

The above photo shows him at a Shabbat service.
Obama's brother is a proud Jew.President Barack Obama has a brother who is Jewish: Mark Obama Ndesandjo is an accomplished pianist, an author and lives in China. Not that it will change his foreign relations policies, but American President Barack Obama has a half-brother who is Jewish......

Speaking to Tzach Yoked of the Israeli newspaper Maariv last week, Mark Obama made it clear that although he is not religious and that he married a non-Jewish woman, he is proud of his Jewish identity. He said his mother "always taught me to be proud of the fact that I am Jewish." He added that "she is the woman who taught me what's important in life, who helped me to understand Torah, taught me music, helped me with my studies."
Read the full story on israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/24350/Default.aspx